
Showing posts from 2017

Prepared Parents Clean Everything, even the Environment

As a parent, you try to prepare your children for living safely in the world.  When they are young you warn about the dangers of crossing the street without looking, not washing your hands and failing to brush your teeth. As they get closer to college age and the big 18 you want them to know the types of people they may run into who want to hurt them, abuse them or steal from them. If you're like me you are always trying to balance the dire warnings with the stories of great things that happen daily in our world like acts of heroism between strangers and neighbors or how you met and kept lifelong friends. Are you being as conscientious with preparing your children to deal with the new reality of our environment? There are days when it is too dangerous to breathe outside. On these orange and red alert days what do protective parents do to protect their young ones?  Mommies keep hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in their purses to wipe germs from dirty hands wherever they are