My Being In and Of the Earth
How Dare You Interfere with My Right To a Healthy Life! "...A part of me never left my home in the heavens.....a part of me has left my home, It has traveled here in your souls..." A Lady of The Sky from The Passion of my Spirit by Asabi A. Hunter 2015. This excerpt from my poem A Lady of The Sky, came to my mind as I finally found a way to state something I need to address in a recent retreat. I have long struggled with people trying to negate the validity of my fight for the environment as a "black' person, or person of color. My issue is not that I have any doubt that what I feel called to do is what I should be doing. I do find myself wondering how to address people who do not see the direct and profound connection between people and their environment or habitat. 1st people as I often refer to people of African descent around the world, in particular need to understand that before there were any other people it was our job to ...