My Being In and Of the Earth
How Dare You Interfere with My Right To a Healthy Life!
"...A part of me never left my home in the heavens.....a part of me has left my home, It has traveled here in your souls..." A Lady of The Sky from The Passion of my Spirit by Asabi A. Hunter 2015.
This excerpt from my poem A Lady of The Sky, came to my mind as I finally found a way to state something I need to address in a recent retreat.
I have long struggled with people trying to negate the validity of my fight for the environment as a "black' person, or person of color.
My issue is not that I have any doubt that what I feel called to do is what I should be doing. I do find myself wondering how to address people who do not see the direct and profound connection between people and their environment or habitat. 1st people as I often refer to people of African descent around the world, in particular need to understand that before there were any other people it was our job to make sure the earth was cared for. How could the job belong to anyone else? We were the only ones here!
Scientists have proven the theory of Dinkenesh (Lucy), the oldest humanoid bones on earth found in Ethiopia. What must her relationship and that of her most immediate descendants been with the earth? Does it take much imagination to see her as a caretaker of the earth, are not women caretakers of their homes all over the world? Have they not always been?
I believe we are sentient beings prior to and upon entry into the physical or earthly plane. In this reality we are aware of our travel through the different levels of atmosphere and the exact moment when we reach the outer perimeters of earths atmosphere which is specifically designed to support our earthly bodies.
Any who disturb this vital atmosphere also disturb our Being and interfere with our purpose on the planet, our ability to fulfill that purpose and the longevity of life that we have calculated we must spend on the planet.
Anyone knowingly engaging in this destructive behavior towards my planet and any aspect of my earthly habitat commits a violation of my person! As environmentalist and ecological educator Charles Davis says 'How Dare You? ! '
This is my home, my children's home, I have given birth to children and sustained a family trusting in the knowledge that this environment exists to feed them , cloth them , shelter them and protect them and you recklessly damage it with the careless creation of artificial elements at will? HOW DARE YOU!
I understand accept and appreciate that there are now others on the Earth, but a part of my duty as the oldest on the planet, one of Her First People is to defend her with the full knowledge that I defend myself and my right to rest in this womb, this Mother Earth undisturbed, undamaged and uninhibited by the harmful actions of others.
I Educate so that First People and All People may better understand the fact that Protection of Earth is Protection of LIFE! Ashe (and so it is!)
Asabi A. Hunter is an educator and advocate of earth and all her people in Heal The Atmosphere Association at Shanti Villa Institute School of Alternatives and The Community Health and Wellness International Healing Mission.
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