Our Precocious Little Darlings



It is hard to suppress the truth.  It is even harder in a six year old.  In my latest Patrica  Peppersnout story (find it in this month’s Shanti Sun Magazine! Shantisun.joomag.com)

Patricia’s truth is spilling out of her in spite of Mom’s efforts.   And so it is.  Why teach the truth to children if they cannot share it with those they love and

Trust?  We all know about the importance of respect of course.  Do you find that older generations ( and old fashioned people) tend to miss out on the freshness of

Youth by insisting on rigid standards of respect?  Quite frankly I’ve had to tell my young ones that you have to be careful especially when talking to the elderly, challenging their

Idea of the status quo is just not the way to get along and may not be their job. It may not be mine either.  A wise and enlightened elder in my community told my youngest that like

Super heroes, we may have to keep some powers and some knowledge to ourselves.  

I had a talk with my son about the importance of not challenging others or arguing over religious differences, some family members liked to quiz him on his beliefs which differ

From theirs.  The last time they asked he gave a clear and simple answer about his beliefs without challenge and when asked a second time, made his statement again.  The elder said ‘Oh” and let

It go.  Well done son, I thought. 

Sometimes our young ones are teachers of new thought without realizing it, maybe that’s what they’re here for.


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