Telling Our Stories
Unity can be an elusive concept. We live in a free country. We have the freedom to think and act independently to a large degree. When trying to get to know one another this often looks like learning another culture.In a way that is exactly what it is. Each of our households contains it's own culture. This culture is cultivated by the personalities and choices of those within the household; Parent (s) , parent's close companions, relatives and support systems, religious beliefs , practices and institutions, economic, social and racial demographics, etc and etc. The combinations of circumstances and lifestyle choices that influence us are endless! Thus our personalities which are already unique are further molded by all these combinations thus they are different , varied and often poles apart from each other.
How will you ever know mine unless you listen to my stories? How will I ever know yours unless I listen to your stories? How will we learn who we are in our society , country, world, planet and universe unless we make the time for the storytelling? Hmmm.
It is 1:30 in the morning and I have been wording this story of the storytelling in my head for days or rather allowing the words to come. This morning the words are here and so it is time to write them down. In between the paragraphs I pause, sometimes at the behest of the computer which is stalling, as if digesting what I have to write, to do my breathing exercises. The rhythmic breathing helps my clarity and will help my energy levels in the morning--in my experience. (Because the morning will progress in a conventional schedule unmindful of my unconventional way of working.) I will need to get up, teach classes, make and return phone calls, set appointments, network and create products, sales and marketing plans and manuscripts in spite of having been up since 1 a.m. I could of course sleep late and move at my own pace but then others would ask why I am so lazy and why my deadlines are not being met and label and condemn me because-- and this is the point of this line of rambling reason--they won't take the time to listen to my story! A part of my story is that the other thing the breathing exercises do is help me be less stressed and not overly concerned about the opinion of others.
I am in alignment with the Universe and its Master Coordinator. If I truly need extra rest Mother/ Father God will rearrange the universe to accommodate me: My first appointment of the day will call and ask to be scheduled at a later date or time, A teacher/tutor who was absent earlier this week, will ask if they can pick up the children for their class or a spontaneous activity. So be it.
It is almost impossible for anyone to describe the constantly flowing script of the story of their lives. What we can do is know and accept that there is a script in every ones life without judgement or condemnation.
The time to make time for the storytelling is when we need to merge our stories in order to become a part of the same story. Listening to one another is a part of working together. Working together is what can lead to building together. How well do you know thy neighbor-- Is there love (the ability to love thy neighbor) without knowing? Without listening?Listening not only happens with the ears and is told with more than the voice. Sometimes listening happens with the spirit and soul. Know thyself is a powerful part of this type of listening. The story of another's true essence can only be heard and understood by the Self that has cultivated the practice of listening to It-Self. How can you hear the soul of another if you are not listening to your own? Hmmm.
This consideration of spirit/soul stories comes into play because there are some stories we don't need to share verbally. Some we don't want to share, the lessons have been learned , the teaching in the past. Then there are those that are simply difficult to tell and must take their time and sometimes their time is a lifetime.
To summarize this story which I plan to tell in my video story series, because I feel it sums up an important part of my life's work, I would like to say; I believe It is the job of the community Storytellers, to pinpoint those stories, like the ancient Griots, which the community can use to better understand and comprehend itself. This comprehension is important so the worldwide community can continue to grow prosper and multiply and continue! Peace must be a part of our continuum You know, like the time space continuum? That which allows existence to continue to be? Love must be a part of our continuum, Soul and the Divine must be a part of our continuum.
As Mothers and Fathers of Earth we are equipped to listen to the different stories of our children. We help them learn to listen to one another. We help them develop the culture of the household and become a family
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